Experiencing These Symptoms Might Mean You Need To Improve Your Dental Hygiene
Preserving your dental health is critical for both your health and your appearance. If you have naturally aligned and healthy teeth, ensure you take care of them; otherwise, you may lose your brilliant smile. Aside from that, our teeth are one of the first elements of our digestive system, so keep them clean because if they aren’t, they will spread bacteria.
When you experience toothache or gum bleeding, it results from poor dental hygiene. These signs are not something you should take lightly, and they indicate that you need an upgrade in your daily dental hygiene, like introducing new hygiene products, increasing your brushing and flossing frequency, or you might even need an Ankeny dentist if the problem is severe.
Symptoms indicating you need to improve your dental hygiene
- Toothache
The first symptom that most people notice is a toothache. Either your tooth pain comes in slots and goes away, or it is constant for several horses. Whatever the frequency of your pain is, if it lasts more than 2-3 days, you must consult a dentist to check whether everything is okay.
Most toothaches occur due to poor dental hygiene, indicating that the growth of bacteria in your mouth increases. When the bacteria in your mouth is not removed regularly by brushing or flossing, it starts feeding on your tooth enamel, causing cavities that result in excruciating tooth pains.
- Bleeding gums
Another common symptom is bleeding or swollen gums. If you are struggling with bleeding gums that are painful and itchy, chances are you might have gingivitis. Gingivitis is commonly known as gum infection, where the bacteria in your mouth start attacking your health, making the nerves inside weak and vulnerable.
When the bacteria starts creating cavities in your mouth, it soon reaches the surface of your gum, resulting in gum disease or infection. Common symptoms of gingivitis are swollen or bleeding gums, white patches around your gums, or a sudden discoloration of your gums. This is another issue that is triggered by poor oral hygiene.
- Changes in your tongue
Even if you are not experiencing painful symptoms, you might want to keep checking your tongue. Most people with a lousy dental hygiene routine suffer from discoloration on their tongues which can easily signify oral disease.
For example, if your tongue has too much white cast, you are not cleaning your teeth properly, and the amount of plaque in your mouth increases. It would be best if you took immediate action to control it, or you will develop a painful dental disease.