
Me, Myself, and I: PRP and Getting your Body to Work for You – Dr. Allan Spiegel

The miraculous healing powers of the human body continue to be uncovered every single day. Platelet-rich plasma or, “PRP”, is a form of regenerative medicine that can harness and amplify the natural growth factors of the body and use them to heal. With such potential to do good, PRP has started to become a top choice in patients with a multitude of injuries. According to John Hopkins Medicine “PRP treatment has been used to support wound healing in trauma and joint injury.. and enhance.. cosmetic procedures.” (*1) In addition to these conditions, PRP has been found useful as an alternative...

Do you too feel sick while changing poopy diapers? – Never Again Now!

"You'll know it once you'll become a parent yourself" How many times had we heard it and then ignored it with a chuckle? Parenting is no less than rolling a Sisyphus's stone, the only difference being that you get a big rest after a few years. There are tasks that feel hard, tasks that feel exhausting, tasks that make you puke, and whatnot! One such thing that most men, and sometimes women, find hard is changing a baby's diapers. What good is there to feel good about? All is shit. But there are ways to gift you some ease. Confidenceclub...

Why Should You Get a Botox Procedure?

Every year, millions of people receive Botox injections from a trusted dermatologist. However, there continues to be hesitancy amongst groups of people who fear that Botox may not be as safe as people claim. Other individuals may not be convinced that Botox is as effective as it’s cracked up to be. In this article, we will provide a brief overview of Botox treatments. By the end of this post, you’ll see why you should consider getting a Botox procedure. Botox Has Been Used Safely for Nearly 3 Decades Botox entered the market in 1989. Very quickly, researchers began to realize...

PRP For Hair Restoration: The Secrets Unearthed!

Losing hair in chunks so rapidly that it gives you the scare that you might go bald is something that you shouldn't overlook. If not addressed in time, heavy hair loss might actually make you bald and once you're bald, no matter what anybody says, there's no way to get back your hair.  Thanks to science, timely action can bring back the thickness of your hair. One of those immensely effective treatments is known as the PRP treatment.  The Clinique Anti Aging hair PRP treatment is usually performed in combination with a special laser known as Erbium Yag laser.  Here's...

Fat loss – so easy even a fool can do it

Are you overweight, over-tired and stressed out about it? Do you find yourself marathoning between the sofa and the fridge in the evenings and not liking what you see in the mirror in the mornings? You might like to know that losing fat is easier than you think and even a fool can do it. Fat loss is based on one simple principle - a principle that even a small child can understand. Eat less, move more. Step 1: Eat Less Too many Americans lament that they are getting fat by eating a diet high in fat, sugar and oil....

Is Health Insurance Mandatory?

Most families in India depend on their savings or income to meet the healthcare expenses. One of the important reasons why people avoid buying health insurance policy is that it does not offer any maturity benefits but only provides compensation for medical expenses. Also, there is a general lack of awareness among the people about the importance of insurance and this is another reason why the health insurance penetration is quite low. Is it mandatory for all to buy health insurance? Unlike vehicle insurance, there is no legal obligation to purchase a health insurance policy. However, from the financial planning...